Area of Expertise  


Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring

Preparation of strategy and evaluation documents, assessments, biodiversity research and trainings.


Biodiversity Governance

Policy Analysis, Facilitation of Multistakeholder Platforms, Governance assessment in Natural Resources Based Institutions, Develop and implement training courses on IEE/EIA and safeguarding natural resources while constructing infrastructures, Experiences on Mainstreaming biodiversity into national, provincial, and local development policies and plans


Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate vulnerability and risk assessments; adaptation planning, capacity building and mainstreaming; climate modelling and projections; study and promotion of Renewables and energy efficient technologies; National and international Climate Change policy discourse including UNFCCC negotiations; capacity building on Paris Agreement and Enhanced Transparency Framework.


Editing, Creative Writing and Content Creation

Writing and editing for Reports, and articles in English and Nepal Language. Content creation for social media campaigns.


Environment and Social Safeguard

Environment and Social Safeguard Framework Screening; Grievance Redress Mechanism; Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP); Facilitating Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC); Creating Stakeholder Engagement Plan; Grievances and Complaints Handling; Training on conflict mediation; Training on Ranger Code of Conduct; Creating Safeguards Mitigation Plans.


Environment Education

Design education curriculum at local level; training of stakeholders on Green School Guidelines; development and design of educational resources; design and development of training manuals; Capacity building of children and youth on conservation including training to teachers.


Environment Friendly Infrastructure Design and Landscape Planning

Assess legal frameworks on natural resource safeguards (NRS) in infrastructure, design of wildlife friendly infrastructure, lead construction activities, design recommendation for integrating NRS in infrastructure, conduct capacity building trainings on making infrastructure resilient and sustainable, development of handbooks on infrastructure design, construction, infrastructure financing, develop IEC materials, case studies, learning documents.


Environmental Crime Control

Assessments, strategy development and impact study.


Event Management

Creation and development of small and/or large-scale corporate events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies etc.


Financial Management support services and Financial Monitoring

Financial surveys/assessments, and the financial and compliance monitoring of sub-grantee partners.


Forest Resource Research and Management


GESI Assessment and Capacity Building

Conducting GESI Analysis; Preparing GESI mainstreaming, budgeting plans; Conducting GESI Audit; Conducting GESI Training and creating toolkits; Creating GESI Action Plan for projects; Training on Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to conservation, Training on discourse and mainstreaming of People with Disability concerns; Facilitating Free Prior Informed Consent.


Graphic Designs, Layout, Illustrations


Human Resources and Organization Development


Human Wildlife Conflict Management

Includes studies and mitigation plan preparation, Impact and effectiveness studies.


Monitoring, Evaluation and Knowledge Management

Design monitoring and evaluation plans, tools, and methodologies; Conduct baseline, mid-term and end-line surveys; Conduct outcome, and small assessments and other research and studies related to M&E; Learning and Knowledge documentation; Development, and review of ToC.


Nature Based Livelihood

Resource mapping and market scoping studies; market led, nature based /local resource based short- and long-term vocational trainings, green enterprises, value chain development, market linkages, capacity building on access to finance /cooperatives.


Photography, Videography Production

Wildlife, Nature and people photography, Visual storytelling, documentary production, promotional video production and short video production.


Project Development

Design and facilitation of medium to large project proposals.


Software Development

Includes creating new software, enhancement of existing software and AMC.


Species Conservation and Protected Area Management

Development of species conservation action plan, mitigation plan, management plan, effectiveness study and assessment, database creation and action research related to species and protected areas.


Technology for Biodiversity and Climate Change

Design tool, assessments and database creation.


Water Resources, Freshwater Ecosystem and Watershed Management

Includes research, planning, capacity building on water resources, freshwater ecosystem and watershed; water modelling; freshwater biodiversity assessment; river basin planning and management; water resources management; sustainable hydropower; water governance.